Fashion is a general term for the prevailing style of dress or other aspects of personal appearance. It is inherently social, as clothing styles are often influenced by the people around us. For something to be considered a fashion, it must be widely distributed and followed by many individuals. The most common way that fashion is spread is through the media; for example, celebrity styles often influence what people wear. Fashion can also be a cultural trend, with the same styles appearing in several different places at once.
The fashion industry is enormous. Millions of people work in the design, production and sale of clothing, and most of them are involved in the mass market for casual and everyday wear, also known as fast fashion. But individual style is still important, and a good designer can work with you to translate your own self-image into a unique look that will flatter you.
The best way to develop a great sense of style is to experiment with many styles, including the ones that are out of the mainstream. This can be a fun process, and it is definitely not necessary to stick with just one single look. However, when experimenting, be smart about what you try on – don’t follow every single trend that comes along. Instead, set a few parameters for yourself to help you guide your shopping. For example, if you know that you love halter tops but hate pastels, focus on those pieces and skip the ones that don’t play to your strengths.