The ethical implications of technology are becoming more prominent. While some scholars view technology as having value-laden properties, others say it lacks moral agency. In either case, technology can be either good or bad. Philosophers who study technology often conclude that technology is a goal-oriented process, and artifacts have certain purposes and functions.
Philosophers have also argued that technology should be democratized. Some, such as Heidegger, argued that ordinary people should be included in the shaping of technology. This notion is often referred to as “the technological society”. Whether or not we accept this argument is a matter of opinion. While the impact of technology on societies has been largely positive, there have also been instances where technology has had negative effects.
Modern technologies are incredibly complex. They often involve complex manufacturing processes and construction organizations. Because of their complexity, they have also become increasingly dependent on training. Many technologies require both general and specific training. In some fields, such as aerospace engineering, advanced robotics, or medical devices, people are increasingly skilled in both general and specialized fields.
Technology can help us produce things faster and better. It can include big machines and fast computers. It can also include new ways of doing things. For example, it can help us create medical vaccines or assembly line-style production. Technology can also make our lives better – for example, it makes it possible to speak the language we use or organize our banking system.