The financial services industry is all around us and affects our day-to-day lives. It’s easy to think of banks, stock brokers and mortgage lenders as separate entities, but they are all part of the same industry. In addition to those sectors, the industry also includes insurance companies, securities traders and investors, Wall Street, and many other areas. The financial industry provides small businesses, large corporations and even the government with the money they need to grow and prosper.
As the world becomes increasingly global, the need for financial services will only increase. This makes it an exciting and lucrative career choice. When surveyed, professionals working in the financial industry report high levels of job satisfaction. And, as a bonus, many of these jobs are easily portable and allow for more flexibility to work from home.
Before the 1970s, the various segments of the financial services industry more or less stuck to their own specialties. Banks provided a place for consumers to deposit their money, while loan associations offered mortgages and personal loans. Brokerage companies, on the other hand, specialized in investment opportunities like stocks and mutual funds.
As technology has changed the way we handle money, the lines between these segments have started to blur. For example, some banks now offer credit cards, investment banking and insurance services to their customers. And, many of these companies are merging and expanding to become more comprehensive financial conglomerates. This is good news for those looking to start a career in the financial services sector as it allows them to have access to a much wider range of products and services.