Law is a set of practices, rules and customs that are recognised as binding by a community and enforced through a controlling authority. It encompasses a range of disciplines and professions, from criminal justice to family law. The rule of law is an important foundation for societies, providing stability and security for all citizens and ensuring that those who transgress against the rules are punished.
While many people are familiar with the notion of a law, there is little agreement about what the term means. Some see it as simply power backed by threat of coercive action, with individuals at the mercy of those in charge. Others take a broader view, recognising that law is what society needs in order to function. Roscoe Pound was one of those who developed this theory, viewing the law as a tool for satisfying social wants.
The law is a complex system of rules that governs everyday life, from the use of force by the police to the legal definitions of ‘honesty’ and ‘morality’. There are a number of different areas of law, such as contract law (which covers agreements for the exchange of goods or services), employment law, property law and biolaw.
Most organisations have a number of internal and external legal resources – from the in-house team to specialist providers. If these can be consolidated into a single knowledge hub, they will provide a valuable resource for all stakeholders. This will help them save time and money on routine legal work, and allow them to focus their efforts on more complex or challenging projects.